Friday, October 09, 2009

October Short Story Club -- Nobel Prize Winner Herta Müller

Hi everyone!

Herta Müller, a Romanian-born, German-speaking writer, has just won the Nobel Prize in literature!

In honor of her accomplishment, I'd like us to read a very short story of hers from her first published collection of short stories, called Niederungen in German or Nadirs in English.

The story, "Die Grabrede" or "The Funeral Sermon", is only about two pages long, but it deals with complex issues. Müller writes about dreams, the trauma of her father's involvement in WWII and her father's death.

Since Müller's a Nobel Prize winner and literature is always best read in the language in which it was written, I won't mind if you read this one in both English and German!

The link to the short story is here.

If you would like to read more about Müller and her stories, you can also read this article from

Read more!